Applying Brain Science to the Classroom

Connection October 8, 2024

By: Alice Tesar

Last Friday, Steamboat Mountain School teachers had the exciting opportunity to learn from Neuroteach co-author Glenn Whitman during our professional development session. As a faculty, we read the first four chapters of Neuroteach over the summer to launch our year long book study, examining how we can use brain science to expand our teaching repertoire. Whitman emphasizes key concepts such as growth mindset, neuroplasticity, memory retention, the role of emotion in learning, and formative assessments —all factors in how faculty can utilize brain science to increase student learning. Whitman calls teachers “brain changers”, as they have the super power to shape students’ neural pathways.

At the Upper School, Cody Heartz reflected on the presentation, saying, “The session with Whitman deepened our understanding of the science of learning and how to improve classroom culture. Sit in on any of my classes, and you’ll see the ‘brain-based’ approach in action, from spaced repetition to regular formative assessments.”

Upper School science teacher Nikki Durkan is applying the research in her classroom, too. She states, “I’m being more intentional about teaching students the process of myelination, emphasizing neuroplasticity. Each of us has the capacity to improve if we practice thoughtfully. Students often already have established ideas about their innate abilities by high school, but they need to internalize that they can always improve.”

“Executive functioning is something we certainly focus on in the lower and middle school classrooms,” says Campbell Jones. “When students are attentive, organized, and have a plan they can open their minds to learning. Whitman’s emphasis on the impact of emotions on learning aligns well with what happens in my classroom, too. SMS students learn best when they are in a positive and safe emotional space; they are more engaged, inquisitive, and curious.” 

As a school committed to excellence in education, SMS teachers are continually refining our craft. With these principles in mind, our faculty are not just shaping our students’ academic success, but they are creating lifelong learners. Parents will be invited to a series of conversations around learning and brain science throughout the year.

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