Emerald Connection, April 30, 2024

This week, our first grade mathematicians explored creating equal parts of a whole, or fractions, through the use of tangram puzzles.  Tangrams, with their geometric shapes that can be rearranged to form various images, provide a hands-on approach to understanding fractions. By breaking down the tangram pieces into parts and learning how they fit together to make a whole, children can grasp the fundamental idea of fractions in a fun, engaging way.

Tangram puzzles are believed to have originated in China, and were used for hundreds of years as both a teaching tool and an entertaining game. They made their way to Europe and the United States in the 1800s, where the opportunities for endless creativity caught the attention of the public. Today, tangram puzzles continue to inspire learners of all ages, serving as timeless instruments for learning and amusement across cultures and generations.

Throughout the week, our first grade students participated in a variety of hands-on activities and group work. By manipulating the pieces, students were able to explore the concepts of halves, thirds, and fourths. First graders practiced collaboration and perseverance as they worked to solve puzzles in small groups, and they used descriptive language as they analyzed the similarities and differences between the 2 dimensional tangram shapes and 3 dimensional prisms. This has been a wonderful week filled with critical thinking, problem solving, and fun!

Alumni Round Up

May 31-June 2

